Bulk Offer Imsyser Parasite Intestinal Cleanse Powder 185g
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R 923.97
Parasite Cleanse indicated for non-optimum digestive functions including sluggish peristalsis; constipation; bloating; impaired digestion because of inefficient waste removal. Parasite removal.
This product is formulated to assist in softening and eliminating of this impacted intestinal mucous layer, assisting in stabilizing the Immune System, assisting in detoxing the intestines and assisting in balancing your metabolism, as effective cleansing is initiated. The various 100 % natural herbs assist in the dissolving of this toxic layer and neutralising of the toxic release as this layer is broken down. Slippery Elm assists in the easy gentle movement out of the body.
It is also a parasite cleanse core to all good gut health.
Unique Product Specifications:
- Unique Formulation - 100 % Natural
- Proudly SA product - manufactured in SA
- Used for a 7-day Detox or a Daily Fibre Bulk up
- Visible results
- 7-day detox without Dietary changes
- No Diarrhoea or changing of existing Gut Microbiome
- No stool habit changes - work as usual during detox
- No pain
- No resultant Gut laziness
- May be taken on its own or best as part of the Imsyser Immune Health ‘Kit’
- Safe for all ages & applied special usage during Pregnancy
- Nappi-Coded
Each 15g serving contains:
Psyllium Husk 13800 mg.
1.36 g Arthrmesia Powder
Slippery Elm 100 mg.
Marshmallow Root 20 mg.
Folia Uva Ursi Bearberry Leaves 20 mg.
Herb Menta Piperata 15 mg.
Aloe Ferox 1.8 mg.
Rad. Taraxacum Officinalis Rhizoma Dandelion Root 20 mg.
Curcuma Longa Turmeric Powder 35 mg.
Fol. Urtica Dioica Stinging nettle 20mg.
Cinnamon Zeylanicum 200 mg.
Xanthan 30 mg
No Preservatives, Colourants or Flavourants
Deep Intestinal Cleanse Testimony Video see online
Mucoidal Plaque MUST be removed first to facilitate all healthy movement in and out of the gut, DAILY!!! Even after renewed lifestyle have been established; even if we are eating very healthily and taking all kinds of health supplements, waste needs to be removed so that the ‘good’ can effectively be absorbed?
IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT BALANCE!! And that is what Imsyser Health Products aims to achieve the intended results because our products do that which others in the natural industry do not!!!
So, What Can We Do?
With correct ‘detoxing’ or ‘cleansing’ we can get rid of this hardened toxic mucous build-up and years’ worth of old waste be removed by doing a 7-day Gentle Deep Intestinal Cleanse. Depending upon your age and other factors this may take several weeks to several months of regular cleansing. These results are the ones you want to watch to see how layer upon layer of this toxic waste is removed and the health of your gut may be achieved in all its capacities. Gently so without changing normal excretory behaviour. In other words, you can still go about your normal daily activities and not be affected by this gentle cleanse at all.
Doing this cleanse with time can start reversing the damage done in the past and slowly start allowing the body to heal of its many adverse conditions. The Deep Intestinal Cleanse will involve taking quality fibres and herbs, as per the Imsyser Deep Intestinal Cleanse, on a two times/daily basis, for 7 days with plenty of water to move and flush out the toxic waste.
The most amazing part of this ‘treatment’ is the fact that you can go to work as per the norm and follow your regular diet. No changes are needed although healthy new lifestyle choices should be considered to render healthier results for the future. When this mucous and waste starts coming out of you it is worth observing this waste in the toilet. It will often float and looks like ropery fat. It will also have the shape of the intestines because it has been inside you for years. Awful to observe but OUTSIDE of you than on the INSIDE!!
Dosage & Directions for Use:
This product is formulated to assist in softening and eliminating of this impacted intestinal mucous layer, assisting in stabilizing the Immune System, assisting in detoxing the intestines and assisting in balancing your metabolism, as effective cleansing is initiated. The various 100 % natural herbs assist in the dissolving of this toxic layer and neutralising of the toxic release as this layer is broken down. Slippery Elm assists in the easy gentle movement out of the body.
The Artemisia Powder assists in removing parasite detrimental to all good health. It is an excellent antioxidant and good for all gut health issues.
This is a ‘7-day detox programme’ (may also be used daily for continuous usage or until results are achieved without gut changing habits); used 2 x daily on an empty stomach before or an hour after meals. Best taken as quickly as possible BEFORE bulking occurs and followed through with at least 1-2 glasses of water.
Add two heaped Tablespoons of powder to a little juice (1/3 glass) and a tall glass of water, stir quickly, and drink quickly BEFORE thickening may result. If such does happen, add more water, and continue drinking till all product is taken in. Tasteless in flavour.
For all ages, children ½ dosage and if pregnant used cautiously under health practitioners’ advice, NOT as a detox range, but smallest dose possible (1 teaspoon/ 1x per day) to assist in fibre bulking ONLY as the main objective.