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Acne Combo

Acne Combo

Regular price R 714.41 Sale

Exclusive Skincare Range of products made for Acne Skins. Benefits & Unique Selling Advantage of WondersilV Proprietary Blend Activated Silver in our Aloe Acne Blend, with the following properties:
1. Anti-Inflammatory infections.
2. Antibacterial.
3. Antifungal. Destroys Candida.
4. Anti-Viral & related infections via magnetic disruption.
5. 120 ppm vs 20ppm of Colloidal Silver
6. Does not harm healthy bacteria or disturb microbiome.
7. Natural. Non-Toxic. Safe to use all ages.
8. No preservatives and additives, flavourants or colourants.
Suggested Application.
Apply freely after cleansing morning and night for optimal performance and dab acne or wounds freely in between cleansing with aggravated inflammation cases. Avoid eye contact. In case of accidental contact rinse eye with water.
Keep below 25 degrees and out of direct sunlight.
A Short Introduction
This amazing product was developed with a unique Nano technology to create clusters of silver deposits (4 atoms of Silver and four atoms of Oxygen), also known AG4O4, in an existing 'colloidal' silver state (distilled water) with incredible results - a product far more potent than you average normal Colloidal Silver. A mere understanding of Quantum Science explains the exponential deposits as opposed to normal production of a simple Colloidal Silver.
Twelve percent of this product blend was used using the WondersilV unique technology and this was then added to freshly squeezed Aloe Ferox leaves making up 88% of the product.
No preservatives were added as the product is self-preserving. All Natural.
 Aloe provides Elasticity to the skin
 improves moisture retention; also helps fights infection and inflammation
 promotes cell renewal within the skin by eight times.

Exclusive His&Hers Skin Care product made for Imsyser Health using the Proprietary Blend of Probiotic known for its benefit for Skin Health and new ingredient driving skin care into the future.
Shake before us!
Apply freely to skin especially after cleansing in the morning and at night. May be used as a skin refresher as and when needed. Avoid eye contact. In case of accidental contact rinse eyes with water. May be used on sunburn, stings, bites, scar and cut. Excellent as blemish healing support when taken in conjunction with the Imsyser Probiotic.
Exclusive Skin Care product made for Imsyser Health.
Store below 25 Deg.
Keep out of reach of children.
A probiotic blend was used to establish healthy skin biome for both the face and neck area. The Tea Tree Oil was added as a natural preservative with super antioxidant effects on the skin as well as improved healing and circulation of the skin. May be used all over the body even the more private parts. An all-natural skin toner for all skin types.
The Skin-biome microbiome are there to protect us against harmful bacteria. Skin-biome are hugely at risk since modern day use of antiseptics, sanitisers, antibiotics, and chemicals as obtained through chemical skincare ranges. With our latest internal and external use Probiotic Skin Spray we are now able to extract the most important components of beneficial bacteria to enhance the skins’ ability to outcompete with any harmful bacteria, helping restore the skin to its natural, healthy skin-biome balance.
 Contains natural active ingredients.
 Contains environmentally beneficial, live bacteria.
 Eliminates skin odours.
 Successfully restores the biofilm that houses and protects harmful bacteria by inhibit the pathogenic bacteria that cause infections.
 9.75 Imsyser Proprietary Probiotic Blend
 0.25 % Essential Aqueous Tea Tree Oil

A DAILY SUPPLEMENT that scientific studies have proven we just cannot do without any longer!!
It is a fact that the role and importance of bacteria in human health has been grossly underestimated and misunderstood by members of the public, as well as many in the medical fraternity. This brief
overview will help to provide a vital understanding of bacteria in its relationship to the human body, and how the handling of bacteria alone opens the door to a new era in human health.
The gastro-intestinal tract's healthy function relies on the presence of beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacteria aid in digestion, correct pH balance (acidity), the processing of nutrients and the prevention of the build-up of harmful bacteria.
The bacteria in your bowels outnumber the cells in your body by a factor of ten to one. This gut flora has incredible power over the immune system, meaning that the health of the body is tied into the health of the gut. This becomes understandable when one looks at the fact that there are over 100 trillion bacteria - about 2 kilograms worth - that line the intestinal tract.
Beneficial bacteria (as well as pathogens) are completely killed off with the use of antibiotics, which many GPs tend to give out like candy to patients who come with any
bacterial or viral illness. Repeated use of antibiotics can virtually eradicate the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which must build up from scratch again each time a course of antibiotics is taken, allowing bad bacteria and harmful yeasts to take a foot hold in the GI tract and multiply at a high rate.
Beneficial bacteria help to consume available food sources in the intestine and thus deprive harmful bacteria of their normal food sources. Approximately 80% of the body's immune system capability derives from the beneficial bacteria in the GI tract. The average adult body contains approximately 2.5 kg of bacteria, both good and bad. It is estimated that the large intestine (colon) alone should contain 1.5kg of beneficial bacteria. There is approximately 400+ varieties of bacteria in the digestive tract and take many years to build up through a healthy diet. Therefore, eradicating all of one's probiotic bacteria by taking antibiotics and simply taking a probiotic supplement afterwards (containing 2 or 3 strains of probiotic bacteria) is not really going to build up that same level of diversity of beneficial bacteria as would occur naturally with a good diet.
Beneficial bacteria assist with the following:
• Helps to inhibit potential pathogenic
• Helps to prevent diarrhoea caused by rota virus or
• Helps to reduce the proliferation of
• Assists in increased defaecation and help to reduce
• Help in digestion by altering the pH and improving the uptake of minerals, especially calcium.
• Help to digest lactose for the lactose-intolerant
• Involved in the production of vitamins, for example, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 B12, A, D and K, and essential fatty
• Assist in protein
• Help to clean the digestive tract.
• Produce natural antibiotics and anti-fungal such as hydrogen
Most active probiotic bacterial cells are destroyed by the stomach before they reach the small and large intestine. Therefore, the exact number taken could in some ways be considered irrelevant or not so critical. The main purpose of taking probiotics is to provide viable cells of beneficial bacteria which can seed or multiply in the small and large intestine. It is not, factually, to physically populate the colon with beneficial bacteria from just the probiotic bacteria that survive and reach the colon. This would be a mammoth task given the small number that reach the colon and the several kilos of beneficial bacteria required there. Providing a regular supply of seeding bacteria to the colon and ensuring optimal conditions (and food) for the beneficial bacteria and adverse conditions (and a lack of food) for the bad bacteria, is the main goal to achieving and maintaining a healthy floral gut balance.
Our Technology is a 100% natural and is based on a unique and highly effective combination of beneficial inter-active microorganisms that operate in a revolutionary relationship with each other and in so doing enable living organisms (plants, animals, human bodies) to function to their fullest potential on a physical level. The basic groups of microorganisms in the GUT-cha Liquid Microbial Product are lactic acid bacteria (commonly found in yogurt, cheeses), yeast (bread, beer), and phototrophic bacteria as well as soil-based organisms (SBO’s).
Since the beginnings of life on Earth, bacteria have been a vital part of the life cycle of every living organism on the planet. It is bacteria that allow plants, animals, and humans alike to use the nutrition from their foods. Bacteria are involved in the growth and correct functioning of cells. They help living organisms to create natural vitamins and antibiotics and are a major factor in fighting disease. To sum it all up: life cannot survive without the work of bacteria.
What is new is the means to harness the capabilities of these diverse types of microorganisms in one effective, self-supporting, and effective group. Most probiotics available today contain only one or two species of bacteria, grown as pure cultures and then freeze-dried so that they may be kept alive. It is not a natural process, and this ‘process’ does not contain the full range of species that microbes usually interact with as a part of their normal life cycle. Moreover, these probiotics are grown in a sterile environment, with no competition, and so when they are introduced to the wild and variable ecosystems of the “real world,” their ability to survive is severely impeded. The microbes in GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product, however, comprise a wide range of beneficial micro-organisms, fermented together at body temperature, allowing them to grow, interact and compete naturally. This unique process helps to create a consortium of highly effective, inter-dependent microbes that can survive together in any environment into which they are placed, influencing that environment in a regenerative (rejuvenating) direction, whether it be in a human or animal body, soils, plants, or water.
The reason for our efficacy and results is not, as many people believe, the number of microbes present in the product but the number of microbial species. In the natural world, the various species of microbes are utterly reliant upon each other for growth and stability, as can be seen by the diversity of microbial life in soils and plants. GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product Microbes closely mirrors this natural range of microbes that are found in our soils and food.
Other factors to look at when considering GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product is that these microbes are all naturally fermented at body temperature, especially relevant when one considers that the human body’s most important source of beneficial bacteria is naturally fermented foods. This means the finished products are raw, containing 40 trace minerals, amino acids (up to 18), various organic acid compounds, 100 types of enzymes, B complex vitamins, Vitamin A (in the form of Retonin, the form ready for absorption by the body), as well as the live microbes which make up the solution itself. Importantly, none of these beneficial compounds are added artificially to the brewing process. Rather, they are a natural by-product of the fermentation process of these highly effective bacteria. A natural by-product in this interactive phase is the resultant release of digestive enzymes, a crucial benefit to healthy digestive functioning; also, a missing link from the modern day dried-freeze species commonly in the marketplace.
Due to the increased use of chemical fertilizers and antibiotics in modern agriculture, livestock and animal health, environmental remediation, and human health, neither plants, animals nor humankind, for that matter, receive the benefits of the various bacteria that should be a part of the normal life cycle. The interactive action of GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product provides us with mutually supportive bacteria which can influence the entire bacterial population of any eco-system, or the body of any living organism has never been uniformly achieved. Thus, it can be said that we have reached a new era in the evolution of natural technologies.
The word probiotic means ‘for life’ and describes the concept that a probiotic encourages the formation of a living colony of specific beneficial bacteria, in this case in the human digestive tract. Today, probiotic means product, in fact it means thousands upon thousands of products globally which have adopted the term.
A quick look at the range of probiotic products available on the shelves immediately reveals two segments: liquid products such as yoghurts or drinks, and dry products such as capsules, tablets, and sachets.
Dry products come in many shapes and sizes, however the technology behind them is broadly similar and involves freeze-drying. It is possible to freeze simple organisms and cells under low temperature and pressure in such a way that all the water is removed without damaging the delicate structure of the cell or organism itself. In the case of probiotics this places the bacteria in a state of suspended animation which is well suited to long term storage. Once moisture becomes available to the bacteria, they re-hydrate and a proportion of the bacteria will go on to function and divide again as they did before ‘freeze.’ This means that many strains can be combined into a solitary product. However, there are downsides to freeze-drying, not least, the elevated expectations placed upon bacteria to re-hydrate and regain function quickly after swallowing into the acidic environment of the stomach.
There really is no word to describe the state that microorganisms are in after freeze drying. One could say “dormant,” but this really does not suffice. All the moisture that is part of each microbe has been removed. The theory is that once ingested, these microbes re-absorb the moisture and return to life. Even if they do fully return to their former state with no harm done, nobody has been able to tell how long it takes. If it’s more than an hour or two, the microbes will be past the stomach, through the intestine and in the bowel before they wake up. Or even further along.
Any microbiologist will agree with the statement that freeze drying of microbes causes some form of cellular damage, which can affect performance of the microbes. This is the main reason most probiotics on the market contain billions of cfu (colony forming unit) per ml. It is necessary to use tremendous numbers of “weaker” microbes to get the effects of “stronger” microbes.
Liquid products contain live bacteria, which is intuitively an innovative idea; to be called a probiotic in the first place a product must contain live bacteria, but it is important that these bacteria once swallowed can reach the gut and colonise to confer a benefit. Live products must also contain a source of nutrition for the bacteria; however, this raises several novel issues. Firstly, storage and shelf-life can be short for some live products especially the refrigerated types (check the labels). Secondly, palatability, since probiotic bacteria are not always tasty creatures. Also, an important consideration is competition between bacterial strains within the same live product; they can compete with one another for resources in the bottle. This problem is one reason it is difficult to develop a multi-strain live product.
All microbes that have a probiotic or beneficial effect on the body are “mesophilic.” A mesophile is an organism that grows best in moderate temperature, neither too hot nor too cold, typically between 20 and 45 °C. Organisms that prefer extreme environments are known as extremophiles. They like our body’s natural temperature and that is why they have formed a symbiotic relationship with other life forms, in this case mammals. Put them in a cold environment and they die. So, the whole concept of “freeze-drying” mesophilic bacteria is a complete contradiction.
Let us also look at the number of probiotic strains in a product - there are single strain products and multi-strain products:
There are those who believe that a single strain of bacteria may be all that is needed to confer benefit; Acidophilus species are a good example, and so there are plenty of producers of single strain freeze dried probiotic tablets, capsules, and powders. The human gut contains more than 500 varied species of bacteria, so to take a single strain to hit the bullseye may not always deliver success.
With a few exceptions, live probiotic products, particularly the diary-based products containing yoghurt or milk are single strain probiotics containing bacteria which thrive on the sugar found in milk: lactose (hence Lactobacillus). These bacteria tend to be strains from the Bifidobacteria or Lactobacilli genera which are quite common in the environment.
As above, freeze drying allows for multiple species and strains to be combined in a sole product without fear of competition, however other problems can arise as a result, chief amongst these being time of re-hydration and recovery of function for the bacteria.
On paper, these products deliver the best of both worlds; providing several bites at the cherry in one go and overcoming the problems with dry products. However, the devil is in the detail, and it is difficult to deliver a multiple strain live product, which is why they are rare.
GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product contains multiple Stains. As well as being in a liquid form, multiple strains offer you one of the best probiotics on the market. GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product is a complex of microbial cultures consisting of multiple strains. Unique in the industry!! The manufacturers are clear that focusing on the population counts are not as important as focusing on the product being in liquid form and the diversity of the microbes. If GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product were to have one less strain of microbes, these products would function like all other probiotics and the results would not be as significant.
The principal classes of microorganisms in GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product are:
Phototropic bacteria are one of the key elements both in GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product structure and its workability and benefits. These micro-organisms have been on Earth since before there was oxygen, meaning that their food source was (and is) the gases that we consider harmful or toxic to us today: Hydrogen Sulphide, Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Ammonia to name a few. What this means is that the phototropic bacteria in GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product consumes toxins and harmful gases in the human body, giving off oxygen as one of the by-products. The aerobic bacteria (bacteria which use oxygen) then consume the oxygen generated by the phototropic bacteria and they in turn excrete carbon dioxide which the photo tropes can again use as food. Even more importantly, however, phototropic microbes also excrete amino acids, antioxidants and other substances that enhance life which can then be used by the body. A unique chain of events even for the evolved modern-day probiotic types currently not even available in the marketplace.
The photosynthetic or phototropic bacteria are a group of independent, self- supporting microbes, considered to be the most versatile bacteria in existence. In soils and plants, these bacteria synthesize useful substances from secretions of roots, organic matter and/or harmful gases (e.g., hydrogen sulphide), by using sunlight and the heat of soil as sources of energy. The metabolites developed by these microorganisms are absorbed directly into living organisms and act as a food source for increasing populations of other beneficial bacteria.
It is the inter-dependency and mutually beneficial actions of these various microbes which make it possible for them to establish themselves within the human body (or any environment) and motivate the already-existing bacteria in a beneficial and regenerative direction. Any one of these classes of microbes attempting to influence any environment without the others is, therefore, attempting to operate in a synthetic environment because they do not operate alone in the natural world. To word it differently: although Lactic Acid Bacteria, beneficial yeasts and other microbes have properties which are hugely beneficial to organism health, they will never be able to function as they should without the other bacteria (namely phototropic bacteria) that are essential to the establishment of viable survival conditions. It is the phototropic bacteria that produce the oxygen and other substances that allow the vast range of other beneficial microbes to survive and dominate the system.
Due to the increased use of chemical fertilizers and antibiotics in modern agriculture and livestock farming, man is no longer getting, from his foods, the various bacteria that form a part of the survival of the human body, a fact evidenced by the diseases and illnesses of the 20th and 21st centuries. The action of GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product in providing man with mutually supportive bacteria which have the ability of influencing the entire bacterial population of the body has never been uniformly achieved. Thus, it can be said that we have reached a new era in the evolution of human health.
Lactic acid bacteria produce lactic acid from sugars and other carbohydrates, developed by photosynthetic bacteria and yeast. Therefore, some foods and drinks such as yogurt and pickles have been made with lactic acid bacteria for decades. However, lactic acid is a strong sterilizing compound, and suppresses harmful microorganisms and enhances decomposition of organic matter. Moreover, lactic acid bacteria promote the decomposition of material such as lignin and cellulose and ferment these materials, thereby removing undesirable effects of non-decomposed organic matter.
Lactic acid bacteria also produce antibacterial compounds that are known as bacteriocins. Bacteriocins act by punching holes through the membrane that surrounds the pathogenic bacteria. Thus, bacteriocins activity is usually lethal to the pathogen. Lactic acid bacteria have several well-established benefits. They can improve lactose digestion, play a role in preventing and treating diarrhoea and act on the immune system, helping the body to resist and fight infection. Several lactic acid bacteria may help prevent initiation of colon cancer. It has also been demonstrated that lactic acid bacteria slow the growth of experimental cancers.
Beneficial Yeasts synthesize antimicrobial and other useful substances required for cellular growth from amino acids and sugars secreted by photosynthetic bacteria, organic matter, and other microorganisms. The bioactive substances such as hormones and enzymes produced by yeasts promote active cell division. These secretions are also useful substrates for effective microbes such as lactic acid bacteria and actinomycetes.
Bacillus Subtilis is a soil-based organism. Bacillus subtilis is a robust strain that is not only able to withstand the gastrointestinal tract but flourish and positively affect the composition of the microbes in the gut. Studies have shown that this probiotic can produce compounds that are naturally disruptive to harmful organisms. Bacillus subtilis helps displace unfriendly organisms in the body by affecting their ability to colonize.
The bacteria species present in GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product and the benefits of each species:
GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product places a huge emphasis on nature, and to stay true to this principle, our products are consortia-based. Unlike pure-culture probiotics, GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product contain not one but many different live strains. As a result, users end up with a comprehensive probiotic that survives stomach acid 16x better than the leading brands.
Most probiotics available today contain only one or two species of bacteria, grown as pure cultures and then freeze-dried so that they may be kept alive. It is not a natural process and does not contain the full range of species that microbes usually interact with as a part of their normal life cycle. Moreover, these probiotics are grown in a sterile environment, with no competition, and so when they are introduced to the wild and variable ecosystems of the “real world,” their ability to survive is severely impeded. GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product contains probiotics that are non-freeze- dried meaning they are alive and in their natural, raw state owing to the reason they are so effective.
GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product restores the natural beneficial bacteria that the human body needs for optimum digestive and immune function.
GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product includes a selection of herbal extracts added to the fermentation for a daily probiotic that improves energy and overall health.
Herbal Extracts: Chamomile, Rose Hip, Olive Leaf, St John’s Wort, Elderberry, Siberian Ginseng, Kelp, Natural Molasses and Astragalus.
NOTE: GUT-cha Liquid Microbial Product does not claim to cure anything or make any claims beyond the scientifically proven capabilities of beneficial bacteria.
GUT-chas Liquid Microbial Product probiotics can be taken at any time. With or without meals, morning, or evening.
The reason for their efficacy and results is not, as many people believe, the number of microbes present in the product but the number of microbial species.
Although lactic acid bacteria are the most predominant bacteria in the GI-tract they cannot establish themselves without the natural symbioses they share with other types of microbes. In the natural world various classes of bacteria are utterly reliant upon each other for growth and stability, as can be seen by the diversity of microbial life in soils and plants. Unlike most probiotic products which contain freeze-dried strains of just one or two species of microbes, GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product Probiotics’ closely mirrors the natural range of microbes that are found in our soils and food. It is the combination of these species which make GUT-cha’s Liquid Microbial Product unique. This is what accounts for their efficacy and successes.
Yes, you can. The gastro-intestinal tract’s healthy function relies on the presence of beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacteria aid in digestion, correct pH balance (acidity), the processing of nutrients and the prevention of the build-up of harmful bacteria. Beneficial bacteria do not interfere with medication. In fact, they are completely killed off with the use of antibiotics and the immune system is hugely compromised by the toxins in most medical drugs. Taking the probiotic helps to protect the body from harmful toxins.
Yes, the products are 100% natural and safe to take.
Our probiotics are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. No Animal derived products are used in the culturing or production of our products.
This is the natural yeast that forms when the product is exposed to oxygen (in other words, once the seal is broken) Do not shake it, it is normal for it to be there.
Because the product is a “live” microbial product.
No, it is a “live” microbial product. The microbes go dormant if refrigerated. Store at room temperature out of direct sunlight.
The product has a 6-8-week shelf life once the bottle has been opened. It will get a really “rotten” smell when it goes off.
Children drink ½ prescribed dose but on average 1-2 Tablespoons; 1 / 2 daily depending on the severity of the problem or as prescribed by the health practitioner.
For those that need more information on our unique technology and manufacturing process:
Our LAB spec’s on cfu’s is 3.5 x 10 power 6 for the LAB, so 8 x 10 to power 6 is well within spec.
Regarding the counts, however, it is important to note that the entire basis of our technology is the number of diverse species of microbes (15 in total with the prebiotic varied species and types), not the number of CFUs. This is not our claim to fame within a strict, sterile almost out-dated criteria. The interaction of all the various species makes the product extremely robust and able to strongly influence any human digestive system into which they are introduced.
The reason that regular probiotic products require billions of CFUs is that they are individual strains grown in a lab. They are not robust; do not have their supporting microbes and do not form a
consortia, and thus they need billions of CFUs just to survive at all, disregarding even the pH factor (stomach)!
The microbes are all ‘GRAS’ classified. ALL the mother culture species are classified as either lactic acid bacteria or yeast, all of which have been classified by the FDA as GRAS (regarded as safe) and by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). See attachment.
Our product is made up of herbs (all safe) and beneficial microbes (all classified as safe), along with the molasses, water etc. that goes into the brew. Although these beneficial microbes produce amazing benefits in human health, we make no claims beyond the fact that beneficial microbes assist in digestion, general body health etc.
We do, however, do evaluates on every batch to determine total microbial counts of Lactic Acid Bacteria and beneficial yeasts, and we test for pathogens, including Salmonella, E. Coli, Clostridium. We do not release a batch if it shows signs of any pathogen, but we have also not ever had a positive test result on any of those pathogens i.e., they have never been present in the test results.
We maintain strict controls on our production, sanitization etc. and follow GMP protocols.
Quality Assurance
At our manufacturing location, daily quality standards are implemented, all the way through to senior management where Quality Control is a functional responsibility, a commitment to customer focus and product quality is incorporated into our company identity. With this process, being a finely time-monitored, time-sensitive process, nothing else would suffice. The Quality Control Team ensures compliance with company and regulatory standards.
We follow the Food Grade current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). GMP guidelines provide a system of processes, procedures, and documentation to assure the product produced has the identity, strength, composition, quality, and purity that it is represented to possess. See attachment.
The documents that accompany any product sold include:
Certificate of Analysis (CofA) - Describes quality control data for a lot/batch of product.
Five Advantages of our unique Technology
Consortium concept
Most microbial technologies today are based on “pure-culture” methods of manufacturing. This means the microorganisms are grown as individual strains in sterile media, most manufacturing procedures for ‘dry probiotics. If a finished product contains more than one strain, each strain is typically grown in pure culture and then blended at time of packaging.
Our Technology is fundamentally different because the selected strains are grown in “consortia,” in a process of co-growth that combines multiple strains during production. Therefore, each strain develops while interacting with other strains. Through the proprietary consortia culturing processes, the microorganisms become a small eco-system-- much more resilient and capable of working together synergistically, as mimicked within the human gut. This methodology is more like how microorganisms survive in the natural environment. In nature, strains never exist in isolation or pure culture. They are always interacting with other strains.
Shelf life and stability
The probiotic products and their live microbial components have been rigorously developed and evaluated for shelf-life stability. The minimum shelf-life of the GUT-cha Probiotics is 1 year by law, guaranteed microbial activity, and we have had the products evaluated after 4 years with continued microbial activity present on testing. This feature offers significant benefits to our customers in market development, distribution, and logistics.
Survival under extreme conditions of temperature and pH
Our Probiotics maintain their guaranteed viable cell count under a temperature range of 5 to 50 degree Celsius (41° to 122° F) and pH range of 2 to 14. This means that the products do not require refrigerated storage and handling, contrasted with most microbial dry products. Also, the products can perform in a wide range of applications where pH could be a restriction for other technologies i.e. By-passing the stomach pH of between 1-3.
Natural and organic technology
Each strain used in our Probiotics products is naturally occurring, not genetically modified and non-pathogenic. All ingredients used for culturing the microorganisms are natural and certified organic. All herbs are obtained from local supplies with accredited certification.
The Mother culture supplier produces its own microbial seeds and the resultant Mother Cultures in their own high-quality facility. By controlling its own manufacturing and maintaining rigorous process and quality-control standards, SCD guarantees consistent, high-quality mother culture for its partners worldwide. The Mother culture is the core of the products ensuring optimal microbial activity for our value-add products.
Selling Points:
• Unique; 100% natural; proudly SA product
• All ages even colic in babies
• Immune support & gut balancing product
• 500 ml for family or daily use
• Once opened lasts 2 months; 2- year shelf-life
• 12 strains of pro-& pre-biotics more than average tablet/capsuled product on the market
• Live cocktail all beneficial bacteria in symbiosis with each other mimicking gut
• Digestive enzyme release
• No refrigeration needed
• Bypasses stomach pH –therefore not affected by pH
• Instant results
• Taken on its own or part of GUT-cha Detox Kit
• Nappi coded & affordable (2-month supply)

Enriched with extracts from the freshly squeezed Aloe ferox leaf 29%, Microbiome boosting Imsyser Proprietary Probiotic Blend (7%) and Liquid Castille (58%) super boosted with 0.7% Moringa Oil and Glycerine (3.6%) for best anti-aging skin health Moisture Boosting & Gentle cleansing.



29% Aloe Gel Proprietary Blend (add notes as of other labels on the Aloe ingredients)

7% Imsyser Proprietary Pre&Probiotic Blend

58% Liquid Castile

0.7% Moringa Seed Oil

0.9% Xantam Gum

3.6% Glycerine

0.8% Rosemary EO


Directions for Use:


Apply freely as required for optimal performance, massage over skin and rinse well. Avoid eye contact. In case of accidental contact rinse eye with water.

Store below 25 Deg. Keep out of reach of children.



ü Aloe restores the moisture balance

ü Aloe penetrates through all the layers of the skin supplying nutrients and moisture deep into the skin while dilating blood vessels and increasing blood supply as it penetrates.

ü Aloe stimulates collagen production.

ü Aloe increases the concentration and strength of the collagen composition, which means a firmer skin and improved elasticity.

ü Aloe helps with the prevention of wrinkles.

ü Aloe improves the solubility and absorption rate of moisturizers.

ü Aloe helps protect against Skin cancer.

ü Aloe helps treatment of Psoriasis.

ü Aloe helps prevention of infections.

ü Aloe promotes cell renewal 8 x faster than normal.

ü Aloe reduces swelling.

ü Aloe has an analgesic effect.

ü Aloe reduces inflammation..



With our latest internal and external use Imsyser Proprietary Blend Probiotic we are no able to extract the most important components of beneficial bacteria to enhance the skins ability to out compete with any harmful bacteria, helping restore the skin to its natural, healthy skin-biome balance.


ü Contains natural active ingredients.

ü Contains environmentally beneficial, live bacteria.

ü Eliminates skin odours.

ü Successfully restores the biofilm that houses and protects harmful bacteria by inhibit the pathogenic bacteria that cause infections.



Moringa a super Skin food Bio-Active compound. " Oleic acid, nutrients, vitamins, palmitoleic and linoleic acids can all be found in the seeds of the moringa tree, and these good-for-your-skin ingredients are exactly why hair stylists and dermatologists reach for products with moringa oil. This powerhouse oil even contains vitamin E, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to help improve acne.

ADVANTAGES OF ADDING Moringa Oil, a bio-active plant compound. Moringa oil is obtained from M. Oleifera seeds, characterized by their high oil content (up to 40%), mainly monounsaturated (oleic acid). (72.08g/100g).

Moringa oil sterol concentration is 2.9 folds higher than other oils in the nutraceutical/skin ranges of raw oils used.

ü High Vit C content helps fight Aging

ü Highly Moisturising - excellent for dry skin conditions, eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.

ü Moringa is high in vitamin A - which builds collagen.

ü Moringa supports the skin barrier, which is "vital for protecting us from external damage”. Moringa oil contains a physical filter against    UV light which therefore helps to prevent sun damage.

ü Moringa oil can be used directly on the skin or combined with other oils to enhance the natural properties.

ü Moringa oil is traditionally used with fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks and acne prone skin.

ü Its skin repair qualities including Vitamin E help to fade sun spots, improve pigmentation for glowing skin.

ü he emollient properties found in Moringa seed oil has a healing effect on the skin.

ü Moringa can help regulate the oil production from your face and it won't clog your pores.

ü The hydrating power of moringa oil can reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes by increasing blood flow to sensitive areas

ü Super-antioxidant

ü Anti-inflammatory

ü Anti-pathogenic

Squalene is an intermediate hydrocarbon in the biosynthesis of phytosterols and terpenes in plants. It is widely used in the pharmaceutic and Cosmetic industry. Squalene in addition to the phytosterols found in moringa oil represent 90% of the total unsaponifiable fraction.

Source Scientific link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9313813/