Unique designed formulation to assist with sleep. (Not suitable for use during pregnancy)
May help Improve natural sleep, reduces insomnia in cases of difficulty in sleeping.
Active Ingredients:
Ashwagandha, Grenadia, Green tea, Figworts (helmkruid), Lobelia, Pharnaceum aurantium (Muggiegras), Valerian.
Recognised health benefits for Grenadia (Sweet Grenadilla):
Boosts immune system. Reduces anxiety. Increases blood cell count. Natural relaxant. Potassium. Heart health
Recognised health Benefits: Figwort
Provides relief from pain as a detox
Recognised Health Benefits: Lobelia
- Lobelia is used for breathing problems
- Lobelia as a sedative to help them relax.
Recognised Health Benefits: Valerian
- May help improve sleep quality
- May help insomnia
- May act as mild sedative
- May help reduce anxiety
- May help improve symptoms of OCD
- May help reduce hyperactive behaviour in children.
- Valerian increases the amount of GABA in the brain.
- May help with hot flushes & PMS
- May help with mood swings
Recognised Health Benefits: Ashwagandha
Recognised Health Benefits: Green Tea
- May improve brain function.
- Super Antioxidants
- May protect the brain from aging.
- May help prevent type 2 diabetes.
- May help prevent cardiovascular disease.