Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season and Best Wishes for the New Year!

Magnesium Chloride Crystals 200g

Regular price R 197.98 Sale


·        For bathing in.

·        As a Food supplement to improve well-being

·        As a Food additive

·        Used as an ingredient in infant formulas.

·        Pharmaceutical preparations and medical applications.

·        Additive for marine aquariums (see below for details)

·        As a laboratory reagent.

·        For the manufacture of magnesium metal and other magnesium compounds.

·        Magnesium chloride BP in the food industry

Magnesium chloride is E511. It is an ingredient in infant formulas. It is used as acidity regulator. It is added to purified water to produced mineral water. E511 is an important coagulant used in the preparation of tofa from soya milk. It is used both as a colour retention agent and firming agent in canned peas. It acts as a stabilizer in foods.

For full CODEX applications of magnesium chloride in foods click here: Product is BSE/TSE, GMO, allergen free, suitable for vegan/vegetarian diet. All religious groups, vegans and vegetarians can use E511. It has certification under ISO, GMP, KOSHER, and HALAL

Magnesium Chloride BP for health benefits

For many years Magnesium chloride has been used for bathing and ingesting to improve health and wellbeing. For an insight into the many health benefits of the “Miracle mineral”

Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body. Magnesium is a required cofactor for many enzyme systems. It is required for protein synthesis and for both anaerobic and aerobic energy generation and for glycolysis, either indirectly as a part of magnesium-ATP complex or directly as an enzyme activator (Bronzetti et al., 1995; Food and Nutrition Board, 1997).

Magnesium plays a multifunctional role in cell metabolism, particularly at the level of key phosphorylation’s. The role of magnesium in cell division is also well recognised and it has been suggested that cell division of various cell types is highly dependent on the availability of extracellular magnesium (Rubin, 1975).

In addition, magnesium may play an important role in regulating blood pressure, bone and muscle growth and helps to reduce the development of atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial damage and arterial hypertension.

Magnesium deficiency has been linked to several disease states involving the cardiovascular, skeletal, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems. The most frequent causes of hypomagnesemia are reduced intake, impaired intestinal absorption, renal loss, and genetic diseases.

Magnesium chloride BP in Medical industry

Magnesium chloride is an electrolyte replenisher and a pharmaceutical necessity for haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis fluids. It is used as a source of magnesium in the treatment of hypomagnesemia in cattle, and as a chemical defibrillator in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Magnesium chloride acts as a laxative, an antacid, and an anticonvulsant. It increases osmotic gradient in small intestine, which draws water into intestines and causes distention. These effects stimulate peristalsis and bowel evacuation. In antacid action, it reacts with hydrochloric acid in stomach to form water and increase gastric ph. In anticonvulsant action, magnesium chloride depresses CNS and blocks transmission of peripheral neuromuscular impulses.


Magnesium chloride hexahydrate is for adding magnesium to sea water. Severely low values of magnesium (900 mg/L or below) can cause low pH values and an inability to maintain proper alkalinity

and calcium values. If magnesium becomes too low, coral growth will stop and followed by a decline in coral health. Carbonates and calcium are essential for all growth of corals, coralline algae, clams and invertebrates. Maintaining the correct magnesium values is very important and is indirectly responsible for coral and coralline algae growth by making it possible to maintain correct calcium, alkalinity, and pH values. The magnesium content must often be increased, as shortfalls in the content can arise for various reasons. The normal magnesium content is around 1.30 ??? 1.40 mg/litre (1300???1400 ppm).

To increase the magnesium content, you need magnesium chloride hexahydrate or a mixture of magnesium chloride and magnesium sulphate (ratio of 7:1).

How to dose aquarium with magnesium chloride

50g will raise Magnesium levels by approximately 60ppm in 100 litres of salt water. It is not recommended to increase Magnesium levels by more than 60ppm per day. Simply mix the required amount into a few litres of Reverse Osmosis Water, once dissolved, slowly add to your tank in an area of high flow, preferably over a period of an hour. Alternatively add to your evaporation top up water and top up as normal.

Health & safety

Not a hazardous substance or mixture according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008.

Magnesium chloride is the most versatile, absorbable and effective form of magnesium and can be used orally, trans dermally and via IV drip. It can even be nebulized directly into the lungs and in much diluted form dropped into the eyes when its purest forms are used.

Our Source of Magnesium: Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium chloride is the most versatile, absorbable and effective form of magnesium and can be used orally, trans dermally and via IV drip. It can even be nebulized directly into the lungs and in much diluted form dropped into the eyes when its purest forms are used.

Dead Sea Source

It is widely known that there are minerals in sea salt, but the unique composition of the Dead Sea water apparently makes its salt more potent. The minerals that can be found in the Dead Sea water are magnesium, sodium, calcium and potassium; but the highest concentration is that of the electrolyte’s chloride and bromide. Prominent minerals of the Dead Sea mud are silicon dioxide, calcium oxide, aluminium oxide, magnesium oxide, iron (III) oxide, sodium oxide, potassium oxide, titanium (IV) oxide, sulphur trioxide, phosphorous pentoxide, chloride and bromide.

Dead Sea Salt contains 21 minerals including magnesium, calcium, sulphur, bromide, iodine, sodium, zinc and potassium. These essential minerals naturally occur in our bodies but must be replenished, as they are lost throughout the day. These minerals are known to treat, detoxify, and cleanse our bodies.

Call us on 086 010 3859 for more on this or any related queries.

Dosage & Ingredients

Directions for Use:

1 teaspoon (5ml) contains +/- 198ml Pure Magnesium (perfect for sleeping issues!!)

Add to tall glass of water with some lemon juice for flavour.

Hypertension: take 1 teaspoon morning and night

Hypotension: only take at night or reduce if still dizzy!

Kidney Disease: take with supervision from your medical advisor

This product may also be used to make a liquid application.

Makes 6 x 100ml bottles / container.

Spray on all body parts inclusive of injured/painful areas avoiding eyes.

1 spray contains +/- 6mg Pure Magnesium (certified analysis)

 Ingredients: IMSYSER 100% Natural Magnesium Crystals (200g)

  • Magnesium Chloride
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Trace Minerals
  • (Lab tested for heavy Metals)