Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season and Best Wishes for the New Year!

Imsyser Parasite Drops 20ml

Regular price R 164.99 Sale

Imsyser Parasite Cleanse is a natural, Spagyrically prepared anti-parasitical Phyto-Commixtion developed so that the unique blend may help to kills both the parasite adults and parasitic eggs. Ingredients are:

  • Black Walnut Hulls
  • Sweet Wormwood
  • Clove bud
  • Lippia javanica
  • Pyrethrum flowers (Spagyric micro dose)

‘If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single treatment.’

Recommended Dose – dilute in warm distilled water.

For children over three years old/Young Adults (≥25kg):

Day 1: Take 2 drops twice daily.

Day 2: Take 2 drops twice daily.

Day 3: Take 2 drops twice daily.

Day 4: Take 2 drops four times daily.

Day 5: Take 2 drops four times daily.

Day 6: Take 3 drops six times daily.

Day 7: Take 3 drops six times daily.

Preferably no meat should be given to the child during the cleansing process! It is also important that your stomach is working regularly (every 8 hours) to ensure there is no build-up of released toxins in the bowel & colon – they may be otherwise re-absorbed causing secondary complications during day 5-7.

If any adverse conditions are experienced or noted, please stop use immediately!

Recommended Dose – dilute in warm distilled water.

For adult (≥75kg):

Day 1: Take 4 drops twice daily.

Day 2: Take 4 drops twice daily.

Day 3: Take 4 drops twice daily.

Day 4: Take 4-6 drops four times daily.

Day 5: Take 6 drops four times daily.

Day 6: Take 6 drops six times daily.

Day 7: Take 8 drops six times daily.

Preferably no meat should be eaten during the cleansing process!

If any adverse conditions are experienced, please stop the cleanse immediately!

Parasite Cleanse may also be used in an enema for extreme cases at 2ml to 200ml warm water

NOT to be used by pregnant or breastfeeding mothers!

PS. Do not repeat the PARASITE CLEANSE course more than once every ninety days!